SUBMIT A CONSULTATION Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Personal InformationName *FirstMiddleLastTitleMr.Mrs.Ms.Dr.Marital Status *MarriedSingleDivorcedWidowedDate of birth *AgeSex *MaleFemaleAddress *Address Line 1CityState / Province / RegionPostal CodeSocial Security *Email Address *Home *Cell PhoneWorkSpouse / Child NamePhoneRaceEthnicityLanguage(s) *Treating PhysiciansReferring PhysicianPrimary Care PhysicianOther Physicians Providing CarePharmacyName & Location *Phone *FaxInsurance InformationPrimary Insurance *ID Number *Name of Insured *Date of birth *Relationship to Insured *Secondary InsuranceID NumberName of InsuredDate of birthRelationship to InsuredEmergency ContactName *Relationship *Address *Address Line 1CityState / Province / RegionPostal CodeHome *Cell PhoneWorkI hereby consent to and authorize the performance of all treatments, surgery, and all medical services by the Center for Foot Surgery Oxnard. I accept full financial responsibility for all medical/surgical services performed on my behalf that are not covered by my insurance company. All co-payments, deductibles and non-covered services are due at the time of service, unless prior arrangements have been made. I hereby authorize the provider and assistants to release all information necessary acquired in the course of my examination and/or treatment to secure payment for services. I hereby authorize my insurance company to pay benefit directly to the Center for Foot Surgery Oxnard.Patient or Guardian’s Signature *Clear SignaturePatient or Guardian Name Printed *Date *Medical HistoryAmbulatory Status *WalkingWith cane/walkerWheel ChairStretcherChief Complaint History *Date of injury/condition onset and duration *Describe your symptoms *PainSwellingBurningTinglingNumbnessPain at restPain with ActivityOther SymptomsOther Symptoms *What treatments have you tried? *OrthoticsMedicationsInjectionsPhysical TherapySurgeryNoneOther TreatmentsOther Treatments *Health History *DiabetesHypertensionHyperlipidemiaCVA/TIACoronary Heart DiseaseStress TestRenalCoronary Heart Disease *Hx of MI Stable Angina Unstable AnginaStress Test *NormalPositiveRenal *Dialysis (circle) Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.Social HistoryExercise *NoYesExercise *Pregnant *NoYesSmoking *NeverCurrentPriorCurrent *Prior *Alcohol *NoYesAlcohol (yes) *Family HistoryMother *AliveDeceasedMedical History *Father *AliveDeceasedMedical History *Sibling: Medical History *Medications *Dose *Frequency *AllergiesPenicillinSulfa SeafoodLatexIodineSkinIVAdhesive/TapeLocal AnestheticNovocaineLidocaineGeneral Anesthesia CodeineAnti-inflammatoriesAspirinOthersOthers *Surgical HistorySurgical Procedure *Year *Surgeon or Hospital *Complications? *Review of SystemsCardiacChest Pain/TightnessAtrial FibrillationHeart MurmurPalpitationPacemakerCongestive Heart• Pacemaker *Congestive Heart *MidModerateSevereRespiratory/LungsCough/SputumPainful RespirationSleep ApneaTuberculosisShortness of BreathBlood in SputumAsthmaEmphysemaCOPDCOPD *On MedsOn OxygenNot treatedVascularCramps WalkingLeg PainSwellingFootToesIVC Filter Angioplasty for LegsBypass surgery for legs AmputationChange in Skin ColorNumb/Tingling Poor CirculationGangreneBlood ClotsHistory of AneurysmSurgery for Neck ArteriesLeg Pain *Left legRight LegSwelling *ArmsLegsToes *Ulcer InfectionIVC Filter *Bypass surgery for legs *Below Knee *Below Knee Above KneeNumb/Tingling *Arms LegsEndocrineDiabetes MellitusHormone Replacement TherapyThyroid Problems Thyroid Problems *NeurologicStrokeBlurred Vision Multiple Sclerosis TIASyncopeFaintingHeadacheDizzinessSeizureGenitourinaryRenal Failure Blood in urine ImpotenceDialysisNocturia DischargePain in Urination Pain in Urination FrequencyGastro-IntestinalAbdominal Pain Black StoolsConstipationPoor Appetite Nausea/VomitingHepatitis A B CWeight Loss DiarrheaIBSHematologic/OncologicTumor Growth CancerChemotherapyRadiation Therapy Enlarged Lymph Notes Anemia HIVAIDSTumor Growth / type *Cancer Type *MusculoskeletalBack Pain Joint Replacement Neck Pain Joint Swelling Polymyalgia ArthritisWebsiteSubmit Make An Appointment Youtube Linkedin Address CENTER FOR FOOT SURGERY903 W. 7th StreetOxnard, CA 93030 Quick Links HomeMeet Dr. BelczykServicesContact Us