Education & Medical Background

University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
San Antonio, TX
Department of Orthopaedics
Reconstructive Foot and Ankle Surgery Fellowship (2008-2009)
General Hospital & Metropolitan Hospital
Department of Orthopaedics and Surgery
Athens, Greece
Ilizarov Fellowship (2009)
Clinica Luganese.
Lugano, Switzerland
AO Fellowship (2009)
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Pittsburgh, PA.
Department of Orthopaedics
Foot & Ankle Fellowship. (2007-2008)
Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics
Kurgan, Russia
Ilizarov Fellowship (2007)
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Pittsburgh, PA
Podiatric Surgery Residency
Samuel Merritt College of Podiatric Medicine
Oakland, CA
Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (2000-2004)
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA
B.A. Cultural Anthropology (1998-2000)
Pride in Profession. Valley Presbyterian Award. 2013
Golden Sneaker Award. JDRF. 2011
Synthes Educational Grant. 2006
Foundation for Excellence in Podiatric Medicine Scholarship. 2002
American Board of Podiatric Surgery-Board Qualified in Foot Surgery
Board Qualified in Reconstructive Rearfoot/ Ankle Surgery
American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
American Podiatric Medical Association
American Diabetes Association
AO Alumni

Dr. Belczyk’s Publication and Editorial Referencesx
1. Pougatsch, D, Shum, K, Belczyk R., Rogers L. Human Amniotic Membrane Allograft to Treat Diabetic Foot Ulcers with Exposed Bone and Tendon. Symposium on Advanced Wound Care. April 2014.
2. Shum K, Pougatsch D, Rogers L, Belczyk R. Case Series of 49 Consecutive Transmetatarsal Amputations-Preserving length and Function: A Perspective from the Vascular and Podiatric Surgeon. ACFAS 2014.
3. Shum K, Pougatsch D, Rogers L, Belczyk R. Outcomes of Charcot Reconstruction in Complex Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Previously Offered Amputation. Diabetic Limb Salvage Conference. 2013.
4. Pougatsch D, Shum K, Belczyk R. Topical Botanical Ointment as an Alternative Treatment for Non-Healing Lower Extremity Wounds of Various Etiologies. Symposium on Advanced Wound Care. Sept. 2013.
5. Lee L, Rogers L, Belczyk R, Andros G. Limitations of the Angiosome Theory in Predicting Diabetic Foot Ulceration and Healing. Southern California Vascular Surgical Society. 30th Annual Meeting. 2012.
6. Belczyk R, Wukich, D. Complications Encountered with Circular Ring Fixation in Diabetic Populations.
E-Poster. AOFAS meeting. 2007
Abstract publication. American Diabetes Association’s 67th Scientific Session. 2007
Poster. ACFAS 65th Annual Scientific Conference. 2007
7. Belczyk R. Radiographic Analysis After Charcot Midfoot Reconstruction. Poster. ACFAS 64th Annual Scientific Conference. 2005
8. Ganiats T, Belczyk R. Whose Preferences? The Effect of Perspective on Time Preference.
Journal of the International Society for Quality of Life Research. 1999
Journal of Medical Decision Making. 1999
Peer Reviewed Publications
1. Belczyk R, Pougatsch D, Sung W, Rogers L. (2013). A Case Report for Treatment of Osteomyelitis of the Great Toe in a Patient with Diabetes using the Extended Reverse Flow Extensor Digitorum Brevis Muscle Flap. Journal of Diabetic Foot Complications. 5(2): 48-54.
2. Belczyk R, Rogers L, Andros G. (2010). External Fixation Techniques for Plastic and Surgical Reconstruction of the Diabetic Foot. Clin Podiatr Med Surg 28(4): 649-660.
3. Ramanujam CL, Wade J, Selbst B, Belczyk R, Zgonis T. (2010). Recurrent Acute Compartment Syndrome of the Foot following a Calcaneal Fracture Repair. Clin Podiatr Med Surg 27(3): 469-474.
4. Belczyk R, Ramanujam CL, et al. (2010). Combined Midfoot Arthrodesis, Muscle Flap Coverage, and Circular External Fixation for the Chronic Ulcerated Charcot Deformity. Foot Ankle Spec. Feb; 3(1): 40-44.
5. Langlois MR, Derk F, Belczyk R, Zgonis T. (2010). Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole-Induced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome: A Case Report. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. Jul-aug; 100(4): 299-303.
6. Racz R, Belczyk R, et al. (2010). Synovial Sarcoma of the Foot: A Case Report. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. May-Jun; 100(3): 216-219.
7. Ramanujam CL, Belczyk R, et al. (2009). Bone Growth Stimulation for Foot and Ankle Nonunions. Clin Podiatr Med Surg. Oct; 26(4): 607-618.
8. Belczyk R, Stapleton JJ, Blume PA, Zgonis T. (2009). Plantar Foot Donor Site as a Harvest of a Split- Thickness Skin Graft. Clin Podiatr Med Surg. Jul;26(3): 493-497.
9. Belczyk R, Stapleton JJ, Grossman J, Zgonis T. (2009). Complications and Revisional Hallux Valgus Surgery. Clin Podiatr Med Surg. July;26 (3): 475-484.
10. Belczyk R, Stapleton JJ, Zgonis T, Polyzois VD. (2009). A Case Report of a Simultaneous Local Osteochondral Autografting and Ankle Arthrodiastasis for the Treatment of a Talar Dome Defect. Clin Podiatr Med Surg. April;26 (2): 335-342.
11. Stapleton JJ, Belczyk R, Zgonis T, Polyzois VD. (2009). Combined Medial Displacement Calcaneal Osteotomy, Subtalar Joint Arthrodesis, and Ankle Arthrodiastasis for End- Stage Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction. Clin Podiatr Med Surg. Apr; 26(2): 325-333.
12. Belczyk R, Stapleton JJ, Zgonis, T. (2009). A Case Report of a Double Advancement Flap Closure Combined with an Ilizarov Technique for the Chronic Plantar Forefoot Ulceration. Int J Low Extrem Wounds. Mar;8(1): 31- 36. Epub 2009 Jan 22.
13. Stapleton JJ, Belczyk R, Zgonis T. (2009). Surgical Treatment of Calcaneal Malunions and and Postraumatic Deformities. Clin Podiatr Med Surg. Jan;26(1): 79-90.
14. Stapleton JJ, Belczyk R, Zgonis T. (2009). Revisional Charcot Foot and Ankle Surgery. Clin Podiatr Med Surg. Jan;26(1): 127- 139.
15. Wukich DK, Belczyk RJ, Burns PR, Frykberg RG. (2008). Complications Encountered with Circular Ring Fixation in patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Foot Ankle Int. Oct;29(10): 994-1000.
16. Belczyk RJ, Wukich DK. (2008). Stage 0 Charcot: Foot and Ankle Special Interest Group. Orthop Phys Ther Pract. 20(3):146-7.
17. Belczyk RJ, Sung W, Wukich DK. (2008). Technical Tip: A Simple Method for Proper Placement of an Intramedullary Nail Entry Point for Tibiotalocalcaneal or Tibiocalcaneal Arthrodesis. The Foot and Ankle Journal. Sept;1(9)4.
18. Belczyk RJ, Combs D, Wukich DK. (2008). Tips and Techniques: Conical Shaping of Structural Allografts for Bone Block arthrodesis in failed first MPJ arthroplasty. The Foot and Ankle Journal. Aug;1(8):4.
19. Belczyk RJ, Wukich DK. (2008). Clinical Tip: Extraction of a difficult to remove intramedullary antibiotic rod in the ankle. The Foot and Ankle Journal. Aug;1(8):4.
20. Frykberg RG, Belczyk R. (2008) Epidemiology of the Charcot Foot. Clin Podiatr Med Surg. 2008 Jan;25(1):17-28.
21. Wukich DK, Belczyk RJ. (2006) An Introduction to the Taylor Spatial Frame for Foot and Ankle Applications. Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics. Jan; 16(1): 2-9.
22. Belczyk RJ, Wukich DK. (2006) Correction of Rockerbottom Deformity Using the Butt Frame. Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics. Jan; 16(1): 23-31.

Non-Peer Reviewed Publications
1. Vincetti R, Belczyk R. (2014). Can the Flexor Digitorum Brevis help manage a soft tissue defect following open total calcanectomy? Podiatry Management. In Print
2. Pougatsch D, Shum K, Belczyk R. (2013). Reverse Sural Artery Adipofascial Turndown Flap for Ulceration with Achilles Exposure. Podiatry Management. In Print.
3. Pougatsch D, Belczyk R. (2013). Chronic Wounds in the Diabetic Population with End-Stage Renal Disease. Podiatry Management. Volume 32. Issue 6.
4. Chan V, Pougatsch D, Belczyk R. (2013). Current Insights On Treating Ankle Fractures in Patients with Diabetes. Podiatry Today. Volume 26. Issue 6.
5. Belczyk R, Chan V. (2013). The Extended Distally Based Extensor Digitorum Brevis Muscle Flap for Coverage of Hallux Osteomyelitis in a Patient with Diabetes. Podiatry Today. Volume 26. Issue 3.
6. Belczyk R in article (2013). Podiatrists and Vascular Surgeons: An Evolving Relationship. Podiatry Management. Vol 32. Number 1.
7. Shum K, Belczyk R, Rogers L, Andros G. (2012). Can Great Toe Pedicle Flaps Have an Impact for Complicated DFU’s ? Podiatry Today. Vol 25. Issue 8.
8. Belczyk R. Case 3: A Split- Thickness graft donor site. Using a Flexibly Cross linked Acellular Biomatrix in Clinical Practice: Case Reports. Wounds International. 2012.
9. Pougatsch D, Belczyk R, Rogers L, Andros G. (2011) Considerations for Revascularization in Patients with Diabetes. Podiatry Management. Vol. 30. Issue 9.
10. Belczyk R, Rogers L, Andros G. (2011). Can the Medial Plantar Artery Flap Be Beneficial for Diabetic Heel Ulcers? Podiatry Today. Vol 24. Issue 10.
11. Belczyk R, Rogers L, Andros G. (2010). Proximally Based Abductor Digiti Minimi Muscle Flap for Plantar Heel Ulcers. Podiatry Management. Jan.
12. Belczyk R. Abstract Reviews. Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. 2003
13. Belczyk R., Rodriguez, R. Achilles Tendonitis. Sports Medicine Podiatric Handbook. 2003
14. Belczyk R. The Legal Environment of Podiatry. The Foot and Ankle Journal. 2002
15. Belczyk R. Introduction of Shoes. Sports Medicine Podiatric Handbook. 2002
Book Chapters
1. Belczyk R, Rogers L, Andros G. The Diabetic Foot. In Moore W. Current Therapy in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. A Comprehensive Review, 8th edition. Elsevier. 2012.
2. Belczyk R, Rogers L, Andros G. Cutaneous Ulcers in the Neuro-Ischemic Diabetic foot. In Stanely; Current Therapy in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 5th edition. Elsevier. 2014.
3. Jeffries LC, Rodriguez RH, Belczyk R, Zgonis T. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for the Complicated Diabetic Foot Wounds. In: Zgonis T. Surgical Reconstruction of the Diabetic Foot and Ankle. Philadelphia, PA, USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009.
4. Martin RL, Carcia CR, Belczyk R, Wukich DK. Foot and Ankle. In: Sueki D, Brechter J, eds. Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Clinical Advisor. Foot and Ankle. Maryland Heights: Mosby Elsevier; 2010:252-264.
5. Wukich DK, Belczyk RJ. Silent Neuropathic Bone Injuries and Dislocations – Stage 0. In: Frykberg RG, ed. The Diabetic Charcot Foot: Principles and Management. Brooklandville, MD: Data Trace Publishing Company; 2010:117-130.